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Hi! Plan your wellness, prevent disease, enjoy 12 more years good health

Prevent up to 10 diseases

at healh questions matter to you and youfily?

1. Hi! Could your own health plan prevent diseases?

2. What health questions matter to you & your family?

3. Start to check your health risks now?

[Time to read: 7 minutes]

1. Welcome! Could your own health plan improve your wellness and prevent disease in your family?

1.1. How well are you and your family ageing? 2021 research by UCL finds 1 in 3 British adults suffer from two or more long-term diseases in middle age, e.g. back problems, mental ill-health, high blood pressure, diabetes, or high-risk drinking [evidence ref. no. 57]. So how to prevent diseases earlier? There are thousands of pages about health on the internet. Where do you start?

We are a team of experienced patients and home carers, like you. We are developing this website to help you, and those you love, to create your own better health plans. These steps here, to prevent serious diseases, use the latest reliable medical research worldwide to help you and your family enjoy healthier lives for much longer.

1.2. Are you short of money? And living in crowded city areas where long-term health is poor? [57]. So important for us to have own Health Plan to prevent disease.

1.3. Some of us older people have seen our elderly friends and family suffer bad health and die early. We all could plan to age and enjoy better health for up to 12 years longer. We give you best links to health screening and health risk tests to prevent diseases, using the best & latest world research. e.g. new best ways to protect mental health (March 2021).

1.4. As the UK NHS Long Term Plan says, “Patients’ Personal Health Records will hold a care plan with information added by the patient themselves, or their home carer. Making care plans available to the patient and all doctors and nurses caring for them will make sure tests are not repeated and joint actions are agreed by all”.

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Interested in better & longer health? Start some health tests now, and put actions in your health plan, to cut those risks!

2. What health questions matter to you & yours?

image 6 How to check for and prevent lifestyle diseases?

image 6What is high blood pressure (BP)? Is this a killer?

1 person in every 3 UK adults has high blood pressure (BP) [NHS, 2018]. Most of us have no symptoms of this “silent killer”. Half those with high BP are not receiving any treatment, and are at risk of a stroke or heart attack [33]. So we need to test BP now.

image 6How do we check heart, stroke and blood vessels disease risks? And then manage heart health better?

For this, some of us can get a UK NHS Health Check to measure our risks and help change our lifestyle. If not, go DIY, using these links: check your risks and prevent heart diseases and prevent strokes. Checking blood pressure is vital.

image 6How do we avoid diabetes?

Diet to avoid diabetes? What if, like 1 in 3 adults in England, I have to manage ‘pre-diabetes’? Could I use pre-diabetes to help avoid diabetes? Yes! [9,10]

image 6 How best for me to protect my mental health, or of one I love?

An early test is important. So you could refer to a UK mental health specialist. Good tests can detect memory loss problems with 90% accuracy in a 5-minute test [JAMA. internmed Sept. 2015]. Then, if needed, you could take actions from top 2021 mental health research.

image 6“What are my other biggest health risks over the next 10 years?”

pointing fingerWith health screening, check your personal risks and prevent another 5 long-term diseases, using these links: prevent Cancers; avoid getting new Viruses; prevent Pneumonia and Shingles; avoid Kidney diseases; prevent ‘lifestyle’ diseases.

Tell us your own health question, if you wish. (Use the reply box at bottom of this page). We will come back to you!

3. So, what actions will you take?

  • Get UK NHS and other trusted professional help with your prevention actions, using our guidance links above.
  • Decide on actions and targets, and put in your own draft healthcare plan to discuss with your doctors.

page updated 08 October 2022. © 2022 social enterprise™ Ltd.

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